Case Studies

BIG Success Stories



Recology's remarkable journey from a traditional waste management company to a pioneering tech-led logistics powerhouse. Discover how strategic planning, digital transformation, and change management drove immediate positive impacts, leading to sustainable growth and industry innovation.



We built an innovation funnel for one of most recognized technological giants in history, helping source ideas from across the organization to lower operating costs and generates a pipeline of new business opportunities.

Sonic Foundry


A leader in on-prem video solutions, disrupted by software-driven virtual work, must redefine the return to in-person work for the next stage of business growth.

Oakland A's


  • Reframed customers orthodoxies
  • Identified a new revenue model
  • Reimagined customer experience
From our blog

BIG Insights

Ziplines and ERP: IT Leadership Lessons with Nersey Rastan

Ziplines and ERP: IT Leadership Lessons with Nersey Rastan

Jul 22, 2024 5:00:00 AM 2 min read
Two Exits Later:Startup Pain and Profit with Vic Shao

Two Exits Later:Startup Pain and Profit with Vic Shao

Jul 15, 2024 5:00:00 AM 4 min read
Contrarian Thinking: The Best Defense
Austin blog cover

Contrarian Thinking: The Best Defense

Jun 24, 2024 8:00:00 AM 2 min read