

Even companies with over 100 years of history can benefit from fresh innovation and streamlined operations. A long-established waste management company partnered with The Berkeley Innovation Group to transform its operations using our strategic planning approach focused on grassroots inquiry. By adopting new technologies and improving processes, the company aimed to stay competitive and uncover new opportunities for profit through better cost management.

The Challenge

The company’s widespread operations, reliance on traditional local practices, and broad performance goals made it difficult to share best practices across the organization. This created isolated pockets of success but hindered overall growth and profitability.


The Solution

To overcome these challenges, the company launched three key initiatives:

Aligning KPIs with Profit: A dedicated, cross-functional team from operations and IT worked together to create standardized onboarding procedures, operational processes, and transparent performance metrics across the company.

Integrating Customer Service with Billing and Operations: This initiative brought together local operations and customer service teams, aiming to resolve customer inquiries on the same day and provide a higher level of service.

Building a Foundation for Growth: The company used performance data to guide decisions on the locations, designs, and operations, laying the groundwork for future IT investments.


Key Outcomes

These initiatives led to significant improvements:

Better Collection Efficiency: Data-driven decisions helped optimize collection routes, leading to more efficient operations.
Enhanced Customer Service: Improved service levels set the stage for new profit opportunities.

Enhanced Customer Service: Improved service levels set the stage for new profit opportunities.

Increased Operational Efficiency: Streamlined processes allowed for growth in specialized facilities like Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) and organic waste centers.


Looking Ahead

The company is now well-positioned to take advantage of new trends, such as California’s Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) regulations. By adopting advanced fleet and infrastructure management technologies, it is aligning its operations with a commitment to sustainability.


Key Takeaways for Business Leaders:

  1. Innovate to Stay Competitive: This transformation highlights the importance of embracing innovation in a cost-driven market.
  2. Leverage Technology for Growth: Standardized processes and KPIs enabled effective cross-company comparisons and informed intelligent investment decisions.
  3. Commit to Sustainability: The company’s focus on ZEV readiness and electrification underscores its dedication to a greener future for customers and employees.

Through BIG’s strategic, inquiry-led approach, business leaders can drive similar organizational transformations, ensuring continued growth, profitability, and sustainability in an increasingly challenging business environment.


Contact us to learn more.

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